Anti-Racism and Cultural Equity

Anti-Racism and Cultural Equity

Anti-Racism and Cultural Equity

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
- James Baldwin


Following the violent murder of George Floyd in June 2020, MCA joined with other voices in calling for an end to systemic racism in our society, and we publicly supported the Black Lives Matter movement.


Hate crimes and systemic racism are heartbreaking and inexcusable, but it is not enough to feel horrified without action. The list of violent acts will continue to grow unless we engage in anti-racist work to bring about change.


Recent violence and deaths, and the outcry surrounding them, have motivated all of us at MCA to take a moment to reflect on our practices and ask how we are each individually part of the problem, and how we as an organization can be part of the change. What good is providing the supportive arts environment we strive to create at MCA if everyone is not afforded the opportunity and access necessary to experience it?


Intention alone is not enough.

We have plenty of work to do.

We acknowledge that acts of racism can be unconscious and unintentional. That racism is systemic and deep rooted. That the status quo is unacceptable.


We are committed to examining our organization for faults in our own systems, and challenge ourselves, and our community, to have the hard conversations, ask the uncomfortable questions, listen and share the messages that deserve amplification, and to do our share of the work the world so very much needs right now.



How can we support the BIPOC Community?

We are committing now to actively foster an anti-racist community at Mosesian Arts by taking the following steps:

  • We will advocate for BIPOC authors, musicians, and artists to be more prevalent in our programming.
  • We will amplify BIPOC voices, BIPOC stories, BIPOC art, and BIPOC artists in MCA art galleries, theaters, education, music, and literary programs.
  • We will be proactive in holding space for BIPOC led theater groups.
  • We will create initiatives to support BIPOC and marginalized theater artists with subsidized theater rental and productions.
  • We will examine best hiring practices to make sure opportunities are accessible for BIPOC contractors, teaching artists, theater techs, and staff.
  • We will work to find and implement solutions to make our programs more accessible, affordable, welcoming, and supportive for BIPOC individuals and families.
  • We will center BIPOC teaching artists and members of the larger arts community in conversations on how we can change our programming and staffing procedures to address historical inequalities.
  • We will create clear guidelines and trainings for our staff, teaching artists, families, and students that are anti-racist and anti-hate, as well as centered around restorative justice.
  • We will actively work against cultural appropriation, and teach the tough issues of prejudice and privilege whenever possible.


Land Acknowledgement


The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts acknowledges the history of this sacred land where we work, teach, learn, make and enjoy art, and build our community. This land is the territory of the Massachusett People, whose name was taken by this Commonwealth, and of their neighbors the Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Pawtucket Peoples, who inhabited and cultivated this land and nearby waters for hundreds of generations before us.


We're listening. We are committed to do the work.

Please reach out